Have as Much Sex as Possible:
If a 50-something woman could have sex 700 times a year, the exercise and stress reduction would make her look and feel years younger. I wouldn't recommend quitting your day job in order to hit that number—but what's the harm in trying? The next time you don’t feel particularly in the mood, remind yourself that not having sex is literally killing you. It works for me.
Brushing is Not Enough:
If you plan to spend your later years eating more than
yogurt and applesauce, invest in some floss. No matter how thoroughly or long
you brush your teeth, you're missing a good portion of their total surface.
That's like washing one armpit after a workout. But the dangers of skipping
floss go beyond hygiene: The bacteria that linger can increase your risk of
heart disease. I use Reach Ultraclean floss, which stretches to glide between
Join a Yoga Class:
Yoga is the most important exer cise of my daily routine.
Being surrounded by beautiful women in spandex should be reason enough for you
to join a class, but if you need more motivation, consider this: Yoga eases
stress, lowers blood pressure, slows heart rates, and increases flexibility.
And there's nothing mystical about it.
Loosening your muscles will make them
more adaptable, so you may be less likely to injure yourself playing sports.
Sure, some of the poses may look ridiculous, but that's for a reason you'll
learn quickly enough. Yoga can reach and work muscles that are ignored during
routine sports and daily life.
Take a Deep Belly Breath:
Do this anywhere, anytime. Push out your bellows and suck air through your nose until your lungs are full. They'll fill with nitric oxide, a chemical found in the back of your nose that opens up blood vessels. The dose of oxygen will make you feel happier and more alert.
Lose the Belly:
Grab a tape measure and put it around your body at the level
of your belly button. That number should be less than half your height. So for
my 6'1" frame, I need to keep my waist under 36.5". Just think—you’ll
be avoiding heart attacks and diabetes as well as looking hot in your bikini.
That’s a win win win.
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Thanks for visit my site,All the best.
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